Tuesday, 10 January 2017

BSF jawan video

    BSF जवान के भूखे मरने वाले Viral वीडियो का सच!
    सारा दिन बर्फ में खड़ा duty देता, बेचारा जवान भूखा मर रहा है। कल वो वीडियो देखा तो खून खौल उठा। सच खोजने निकले तो क्या पाया, ये है आपके सामने।

    BSF या किसी भी Para Military Force में Ration की Supply नहीं होती। Commandant, महीने में एक बार पूरी Battalion की एक Open Meeting लेता है, जिसे दरबार कहा जाता है। उस दरबार में एक Mess Committee बनायी जाती है। इसमें एक Inspector, एक Sub Inspector, एक Head कांस्टेबल और 6 सिपाही रहते हैं। हर महीने नयी कमेटी बनती है। कमेटी का चयन Battalion के जवान खुद मनोनीत करते हैं। फिर वो कमेटी जिसमे इंस्पेक्टर से ले के कांस्टेबल तक सब होते है बाज़ार से खुद जा के Local Purchase करते हैं Ration कीआटा, चावल, दालें, तेल, मसाला, दूध, घी, मक्खन, Bread, अंडे, पनीर, Meat सब कुछ Local Market से खरीदा जाता है। LPG भी, Battalion में Cook होते हैं। ज़रूरत पड़ने पे Local Helper भी वेतन पे रख लिया जाता है। क्या खाना है, कैसे खाना है, देसी घी में दाल छौंकनी है या काजू बादाम खाने हैं, इसका निर्णय सब वही कमेटी लेती हैसबकी सलाह या Demand के अनुसार। Commandant बीच-बीच में देखता रहता है, कोशिश यही रहती है कि हर जवान का Mess Bill कम से कम इतना ज़रूर आये जितनी उसकी Ration Money है।

    आज सुबह मैंने कुछ मित्रों जानकारों से फोन पे बात की। ऐसे लोगों से, जो BSF, CRPF या CISF में हैं। एक मित्र ने बताया कि उनकी Battalion जम्मू के पास Posted है। हमारा सारा राशन अखनूर रोड स्थित Wallmart से आता है। सारा सामान A ग्रेड उच्च Quality… खुद हमारे अपने cook बनाते हैं। हम लोग खुद हिसाब किताब रखते हैं। मेरी Regiment में Mess कमेटी हर महीने बदलती है। Commandant साहब खुद हमसे पूछते हैं कि किसको रखना चाहते हो कमेटी में। एक HC हमारा फेवरिट है। हमने जब उसी को continue करने की बात कही तो साहब नहीं माने क्योंकि हर महीने आदमी बदलने का Rule है। अगले महीने जब फिर दरबार सजा तो जवानों ने फिर उसी HC की मांग कीसाहब ने पूछा, आखिर इसकी इतनी demand क्यों है। जवानों ने बताया कि इसके Management में सबसे बढ़िया खाना बनता है। हर के साहब ने उसे फिर मनोनीत कर दिया ।

    अब जब ऐसी व्यवस्था है तो फिर ये जवान सोशल मीडिया में ऐसी बात क्यों कह रहा है ये जांच का विषय है। मैंने ये पोस्ट जो लिखी है वो विभिन्न forces के अलग अलग लोगों से बात करके लिखी है। यदि इसके तथ्य गलत हैं तो लोग स्वयं बताएँगे ।

    सत्य सामने आना ही चाहिए।

    Based on  #AjitSingh jis Post/Article.


    The Border Security Force said the constable, who claimed poor quality food was being served to soldiers on the LoC, was court-martialed in 2010 for indiscipline and aiming a gun at a senior officer even as it assured of a thorough probe into his allegations.

    A high-level enquiry is underway as the BSF has taken the allegations leveled by the constable very seriously.

    "However, prima facie it was found that no other jawan deployed at the same place had any problem with the quality of food being served to them," IG BSF DK Upadhyaya told reporters here.

    The IG said DIG level officers who visited the camp earlier had never received any complaint similar to the allegations raised by Constable Tej Bahadur Yadav.

    "Even Yadav never raised any complaint earlier when the DIG went to the post," he said.

    He said the constable has been a habitual offender and was court-martialed in 2010 for indiscipline and pointing a gun at a senior officer.

    "It is reality. He has many complaints against him including intoxication, insubordination, aiming a gun at a senior officer. He was court-martialed in 2010. But keeping in view his family and his children, he was not dismissed from the service but was given a rigorous imprisonment of 89 days," the IG said.

    Upadhyaya said Yadav has applied for a voluntary retirement from the force and was to leave the services on January 31. Regarding the allegations leveled by Yadav in his videos, the IG BSF said the quality of the food was same for the officers and jawans deployed on forward posts.

    "The BSF itself purchases ration for its force deployed on the International Border, but for the deployment on the Line of Control, the ration is supplied by the army and nobody has ever complained about the quality of the food either on LoC or the IB," the IG said.

    He said that as the winter stocking started from January 1, the jawans do not get fresh vegetables as the force rely mostly on tinned food and there has been no complaint against it.

    "That too is a time-tested method and the quality of the ration from army is also good. The jawans get vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food as per their liking," he said.

    The IG said that to ensure that an impartial inquiry is conducted into the entire episode, Yadav has been shifted from his headquarters. "He has been shifted to another headquarter to ensure that an impartial inquiry is conducted and that he does not complain of being pressurized. "The prima facie inquiry conducted reveal that no other jawan deployed at the same place had any complaint about the quality of the food and they were quite satisfied with it," he said.

    The officer said that a thorough probe will be conducted and the aspect of Yadav taking a mobile phone at the forward post will also be probed.

    "The jawans are not allowed to take mobile phone when on duty on the forward posts and the same has to be deposited before going on duty. This aspect as how he took mobile phone along with him would also be inquired," the IGP said.

    Yadav's videos posted on his Facebook page allegedly showing poor quality food being served to jawans had yesterday gone viral, forcing Home Minister Rajnath Singh to order an inquiry into the entire episode.

    Source : DNA News

    #BSFJawan #TejBahadurYadav #BorderSecurityForce #HMA
    #HomeMinister #RajnathSingh #AjitSingh #DKUpadhyaya
    Image may contain: 4 people, people standing 

    We have taken serious note of the video posted by a BSF Jawan complaining poor food quality. The welfare of our Security Forces are in top priority. Rajnath Singh ji or I regularly enquire about the welfare of jawans while visiting the border posts. We found our jawans satisfied with the facilities but strong action will be taken if any anomaly is found.

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